Camp details

Football Camp

The Forest School,
Comptons Lane,

RH13 5NT   view map

Venue Notes
On arrival please park in the main car park and follow the signs, which will direct you to the check-in desk, which will be situated on the left hand side of the school.
28th May 2024 - 29th May 2024

We offer Early drop off from 8:15am
& Late pickup until 4:30pm

May Camp 24 Tue 28th May - Wed 29th May

9:00am - 4:30pm

Full week


Single day


Early Drop-off


per day
Late Pick-up


per day
Spaces Available 🎉

KASS Football Camps are open to children of all abilities, aged 9-13 years of age and run over the course of 3 days. Children attend 1, 2 or 3 days, with each day having a skills-based focus, for example shooting, passing or dribbling. Each camp provides a fantastic opportunity for your child to be coached by our football-specialist PE teachers. As well as aiming to improve their football skills, the camp strives to build your child's confidence and support them in developing friendships in order to work successfully as part of a team. This is achieved through a well-structured mix of training, challenges, matches and tournaments.

Camp notes

Thank you for booking your child onto Kids’ All Star Sports forthcoming May Football Camp 2024.

Venue: The Forest School
Address: Comptons Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5NT

What to wear: Training wear suitable for outdoor football (including a base layer where possible), football boots and shin pads, and trainers in case poor weather conditions means that we have to move indoors.

What to bring: A spare change of clothes, a waterproof jacket/coat and a towel. In addition please pack your child snacks, a water bottle and a packed lunch that does not contain nuts/eggs.

Tuck shop: We will be running our tuck shop every day of our sports camp. Here children can bring cash to buy pick and mix and drinks at a price of between £1 and £2. The tuck shop will be open at break time only. Children will be responsible for looking after their own money.

Arrival: The day starts at 09:00, or 08:15 if you have booked for an early drop-off. On arrival please follow the signs, which will direct you to the check-in desk, which will be situated at the side of the school.

Departure: The day will end at 15:00 unless you have booked for a late collection, which is 16:30. Please collect your child from the check-in desk.

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